About Us
The San Jacinto Battleground ASSOCIATION
Our mission
- Our mission is to (1) preserve, protect, and interpret San Jacinto Battleground, including acquisition of battleground property not currently protected by the state of Texas, and (2) promote historical scholarship, archeology, and commemoration of the battle of the San Jacinto and Texas Revolution period.
- We identify and acquire battlefield properties located outside the State Historic Site.
As of 2020, the SJBA has acquired over 30 acres, including 23 acres of battlefield landscape valued in excess of $3.5 million which was transferred to the state of Texas in 2019.
- We advocate for state policies that preserve, protect and interpret the State Historic Site so that visitors can better visualize and understand the battle of San Jacinto.
SJBA participated in drafting the Master Plan for preserving and restoring the State Historic Site to its 1836 appearance, commissioned by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in 2005. We continue to monitor and advocate for the preservation objectives of the Master Plan.
- We co-sponsor the annual Battle of San Jacinto Symposium.
The SJBA has sponsored this acclaimed annual Symposium since 2003, and since 2018 has teamed with The Texas State Historical Association to co-sponsor the event. The Symposium has featured leading historians from across the United States and Mexico, including notable authors, professors, and the winner of a Pulitzer Prize for History.
- We conduct archeological surveys in cooperation with private landowners and federal and state agencies.
SJBA has worked with the National Park Service American Battlefield Protection Program, Texas Historical Commission, and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in sponsoring archeological surveys of the battleground since 2002. Surveys conducted in 2009 received international publicity upon discovering what is believed to be the Mexican army surrender site. Our surveys represent the most comprehensive archeology conducted at the battleground to date.
- We raise funds to restore battlefield marshes and prairies to their 1836 appearance.
The SJBA sponsored the battleground’s first native prairie restoration project completed in 2012, covering 110 acres, with funding and support from Shell Oil and Native American Seed (Neiman Environments, Inc.) of Junction, Texas.
- We monitor industrial encroachment and advocate for the mitigation of environmental and security threats to visitors.
The SJBA commissioned an industrial environmental analysis of the battleground area and participated in several National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 reviews affecting the battleground.
- We serve as the fiscal agent for the “San Jacinto Volunteers.”
The San Jacinto Volunteers is an association of living history enthusiasts that performs the annual battle reenactment at the battleground in conjunction with annual San Jacinto Day commemorative events.
- We support and advise Texas Historical Commission staff on the historic interpretation of the State Historic Site.
- We work with and support the Board of Trustees and staff of the San Jacinto Museum of History Association on common goals.
- We sponsor occasional tours of the battleground and nearby sites related to the battle.
Jeff Dunn
Vice President
David B. Singleton
Joe Edd Nelson
Randy Pollard
Dr. Gregg Dimmick
Cecil Jones
Nicholas DeVault
Charles L. Duke
George S. Gayle
Jo Frances Greenlaw
Director – Archives
Will Howard
Mike Lemen
Advisory Member
Madeline DeVault
Advisory Member
Wolfram M. Von-Maszewski

Jan DeVault, our first president and co-founder, passed away in 2017. She devoted countless hours to raise awareness of the importance of San Jacinto Battleground and personally managed SJBA projects that permanently improved the battleground. She also held leadership roles with the San Jacinto Chapter of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas and served on the DRT’s Board of Managers at the Alamo. She was appointed by Governor George Bush and reappointed by Governor Rick Perry to serve as a public member of the San Jacinto Historical Advisory Board. She was married to John DeVault. They had two sons, Bryan and Chris. Granddaughter Madeline, and grandson Nicholas, currently serve on the SJBA board.
Content Copyright © 2008-2020
San Jacinto Battleground Association - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED