Association Loans Cannon to Alamo

San Jacinto Battleground Conservancy Loans Cannon to Alamo San Antonio Express News, September 23, 2010 In 2010, the San Jacinto Battleground Conservancy loaned a cannon to the Alamo thought to be the only known bronze Spanish cannon used by the Alamo defenders and recovered from the 1836 battle. The impressive piece was donated to the San Jacinto Battleground Conservancy through …

Big Changes at the San Jacinto Battleground

Caption: Chairman John Nau speaking at the welcome ceremony on September 13, 2019. September was full of change at the Battleground. On September 1, the San Jacinto Battleground State Historic Site was transferred from Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPWD) to Texas Historical Commission (THC). Meanwhile, the Battleship TEXAS continues preparing for the transfer to the Battleship Texas Foundation (BTF) and …